Based on over 800 reviews of 293 apps by our international team of judges, the following projects were selected as finalists. We have reproduced the descriptions of the apps as submitted to the judges (with minor edits to preserve privacy). Apps are listed alphabetically within a track, i.e. order is not significant based on the first round of judging.
Over the next few days, the MIT App Inventor team will more thoroughly view these finalists to determine the top three apps for each track.
Table of Contents:
Track: Youth
In 2020, people were locked inside of their houses, due the introduction of a new virus that shook up the whole world. Lockdown due to covid 19 caused a plethora of unseen problems as well, such as a 25% increase in global prevalence of anxiety and depression worldwide. Another such problem was the levels of carbon dioxide in a closed room. For reference, the air outside has a CO2 level of around 380 ppm. However, in a closed bedroom with two people sleeping, the levels can easily reach over the 1000 ppm limit set by NIOSH.
There is an extremely simple solution to this problem. By planting more plants at our homes, not only do we help to improve the air quality, but studies show that plants also boost mental health, allow more concentration, and add to the decor. But, the selection, maintenance and the space taken by the plants does become very tedious for a person. So, to solve this problem, I have created an app called Greenify. This app helps people to find the plants that are best suitable to their own time, space and preferences. Here’s how it works:
You start on the home page. This page contains a display showing the number of points that you have collected. You can get more points by planting more trees. You also have a monthly goal to achieve, which further encourages you to plant more trees. You can also see how much carbon dioxide have you removed by planting trees at the moment. Below that there is a list in which you can see all the plants that you have already planted.
But for now, we’ll click the button to proceed. Now, we can input in all of our preferences, including the area in which you want to plant trees, how brightly it is lit, and how many times would you be ready to water them. Now we once again click on the buttons to continue.
On the next screen, we can see all the plants that are suggested to us, each neatly labeled in categories. We can then click on any plant to further see its details. We can see the description, water and sunlight requirements of the plant here. If we do like the plant, then we can plant it in real life in your home, and next click the ‘Plant this plant’ button. Click continue and hurray! We have planted our first tree.
We are again redirected to the home page, where we are given some points for planting the plant. You plant also appears in the ‘Your plants’ section as well.
The future scope of this project is immense. Not only does this actively help in growing plants and combating global warming, but it also helps to keep the air around us fresh, in a natural way. We can further add more plants to the database, an AI classification model that will require you to take a photo of the plant to confirm if you have really planted it, a forum where people can discuss and share their thoughts, and much, much, more!
Theme: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Napp-Primarily Diagnose Lung Cancer and Cataract in Humans
According to SDG 11, 17% of people live in rural areas with no accessibility to proper doctors and treatments.
So my aim is to help people through an app that could primarily diagnose the probability of Lung Cancer and cataracts in humans with prescriptions available within the app.
There are total 5 Screens in the app,
- Startup(Screen 1)
- Lung cancer and cataract detection(S2)
- Eye
- Lung(tongue)
- Lung Prescription(S5)
How it works
When you open the app you can see a get started button, once you click it you will see two options one is for cataract detection and another one is for Lung Cancer detection through Nail clubbing in humans.
Once you choose any options let's say 'eye' you will see a bar graph that will show you the probability of cataracts in humans in percentage when you click the start button(One can toggle the camera if they want it in front facing or back facing mode). If anybody wants to know more about Cataracts they can use the more Button to get a PDF about Cataracts.
The same has to be followed for Lung cancer Detection but in that case, one must show the nails of the finger of the hands or toes, after that it will show the probability of Nail clubbing(Scientific Notation) to the person. If anybody wants to know about How Nail Clubbing is related to Lung Cancer they can click the more Button to see some texts provided in the app itself, if they still want to visit it in detail they can click the visit site button.
If people want any improvements in the app they can also send me E-mails by clicking the give suggestions button.
DataSet Collection And Model Making
I collected the data from my family doctor and different websites which are certified. For making the model I used the Personal Image classifier for training the images of cataracts and nail clubbing. The resultant model that was created was showing 75-85% accuracy in the detection of the images provided to it.
Extensions Used
- Personal Image Classifier
Thank You.
Theme: Sustainable Cities and Communities
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Crime cannot drive out crime, only awareness can do that”.
Public awareness is the most powerful tool to fight against crime and injustice as it stimulates self-mobilization and action. Educating the public is one of the most important strategies for reducing crime as well as fear of crime in the community. People who know what actions they can take to reduce their risk of crime and how they can enhance neighborhood safety are the core of a safe, peaceful, sustainable and inclusive community. An informed community can significantly reduce the occurrence of crime.
Why Does the Problem Matter?
It is the dream of the society to live in a sustainable society where every person is free of fear and safe from all forms of violence. But the irony is that crimes have become a pertinent and escalating problem in our modern society threatening the integrity and peaceful foundation of our community.
WHAT IF we could combat crime and spread awareness to remove all sorts of injustice, violence and ill-deeds from our community once and for all just through the help of a mobile app.
Henceforth, considering this problem as quintessential, I have developed SAJACC Mitra (Safety Awareness Justice Application for Community Care). The name of the application is derived from the Hindi Words - ‘SAJACC’ which refers to being aware and vigilant; and ‘Mitra’ which means a friend. The App provides a user-friendly way to make the community aware about the crimes happening around them.
App Details:
When the user opens the app, they are brought to the Home page listing key features of the app which are:
Report Crime:
It provides the user a selection of nearly 10 crimes ranging from Burglary to Child Lost to Corruption etc, which the user has to select in order to file a report about the crime which happened with them or which they had experienced.
After selecting the Crime Type, the user has to fill a complaint form similar to a First Information Report (FIR) providing details about the crime that happened with them. The details include crime description, place of occurence that can be chosen using a map, date and time of the crime etc. After submitting, the information gets stored in a cloud database.
Crimes Around Us:
The user can view the crimes around their current location detected through GPS both visually as well as in detail. When the user clicks on Crime Locations Tab, a map represents locations of crimes around us in the form of red markers which makes the user aware and vigilant in case the crime has happened in their locality or they intend to travel to that place.
When the user clicks on Crime Details Tab, a list appears which on clicking shows the detailed information reported by any other user. This feature is novel and extremely helpful because it provides transparent information regarding crime so that you can make yourself, your family and the community safe and secure.
School Counsellors can register themselves on the portal to get details about cases of bullying in their school in the forms of detailed report lists where they are provided unique login credentials upon registration. The students can also file reports about the same anonymously so that the school authority can take action regarding cases of bullying.
Women Safety:
Women Safety has become a prime concern in today’s world. To make the community a much safer place for women to work and live, this screen comes with a special self-help features to call the police and other emergency women helplines instantly by clicking on the button. Also, in case of any unsafe situation, just tap the message button to raise an emergency SOS alert to the trusted contact selected by you. The SOS alert will be in the form of SMS with your location informing that you are unsafe and need help. Along-with, you can see nearby police stations on a Google Map based on your current GPS location with a feature to call them as well as get the directions. It also contains some safety tips to remain safe in all situations.
Key Features:
- A User Friendly Layout for usage.
- Feasible, anonymous forms to submit crime and bullying-complaints
- Visual features like Map to make people aware about crimes near them
- Detailing of the reported crimes
- SOS Features to ensure women safety
- Cloud Databases to store data
SAJACC Mitra is a social-community based application that aims to accomplish UN SDG Goal 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions). The App targets people ranging from children to old-age, under-developed to developed countries and private to public institutions making its scope of usage and effect as wide as possible.
Theme: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
Still Fresh
What is this app all about?
From about 40% of food produce in the United States being thrown away, 20% of all food waste comes from confusion over food expiration date labeling such as “best before,” “best by,” “sell by,” and “use by.” Because of this very community issue, I created an app, Still Fresh, which focuses on educating and preventing the action of having good, edible food thrown away or poured down the drain, when it could have been donated to families, or people in need, going to help.
Still Fresh helps you to manage and organize your fridge and food pantry, enabling you to recognize and keep track of what foods you have available. Being able to handle your food storage efficiently helps reduce the overwhelming amount of food waste numerous people produce from throwing away expired or forgotten food. Due to having a functional method to track your food before it expires, you could take the extra food and make a cause, by donating them to local food organizations, or app users nearby.
How does the app work?
Navigating through the menu bar to “My Food,” you can add a food item by scanning its barcode and entering the expiration date, allowing for the app to use an API to display the rest of the product information. In addition, the Still Fresh period, the time frame after the expiration date, in which the food can still be eaten without it tasting, smelling, or looking different, is automatically populated based on the food item category. Once the item is saved, it is displayed on your food list. The list is then sorted by its expiration date for its week, month, year, and so on.
All items that are expired or are near their expiration dates will be automatically recommended to share in the “Share” list. You can select items from the share list and start sharing with a text, a screenshot, or a QR code, all through the app, and share the food with local food banks or nearby app users. Sharing with local food banks shows Google Maps and markers to indicate nearby local food banks based on your device's latitude and longitude. The local food bank location and contact info are shown so that you can drive there directly while following the directions, and text, call, or email them, and attach your food list screenshot or generated QR code. To share with other nearby app users, the map displays Google Maps and markers to indicate nearby app users.
Once you have navigated throughout the app, the Community page shows the global status and the featured goal of communities and programs sharing expired food. Below it includes the knowledge and awareness about a common expiration date labeling misconception.
I will continue to develop this app by allowing users to select and receive shared food and give badges to the food donor, and work on the badge feature that can be claimed every time users complete goals by adding food or sharing food. The feature motivates people to be consistent in their efforts to build sustainable food communities. Additionally, I will aim to use another API to receive the shelf life after the labeled expiration date, instead of having a dictionary with the data.
Why is this app unique?
Essentially, Still Fresh uses a different approach to create sustainable food communities and to help fight world hunger.
This app features a wide variety of components with various screens, and a bottom menu bar to help users quickly navigate to different screens. Some components include five APIs, as well as Web, TinyDB, ActivityStarter, Notifier, CloudDB, Clock, BarcodeScanner, LocationSenser, Sharing, Texting, ImagePicker, and Maps. These components were incorporated to improve the functionality of the app. For instance, the Web component was used to call APIs, TinyDB was used to store the user information, ActivityStarter was used to open the directions on the map, Notifier was used to alert messages and warnings, and CloudDB was used to store shareable data among users.
Theme: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Online learning is gaining popularity due to reasons such as the pandemic, where teachers wanted to connect with students without risking infection. Although COVID is ending, online learning is still a great way to connect students and educators outside of the classroom, an example being tutoring. Adding to the popularity are students wishing to explore topics not taught in school.
WeLearn helps connect educators with students and students with resources to further their knowledge. There are many apps out there today that support online classrooms or the ability to create or search for presentations and tests. WeLearn is unique in that it combines both of these aspects of education by merging classrooms with activity creation and sharing.
As for how the app works, after a brief loading screen, the user is prompted to sign in. New users can create a new account. Accounts are either teachers or students. If the user forgets their password, by entering their username and email, the app shows an anagram of their password, helping promote puzzle solving while also reminding users of their password!
Let’s explore the teacher account first. After signing in, teacher users are greeted with the teacher main screen, which holds six different shortcuts leading to other screens. Four of them relate to researching for, creating, and sharing activities. Two have to do with classrooms.
The first screen is the Create Activity screen, where users are prompted to create either a test, homework, or lecture. All activities involve creating multiple slides with information. Lectures involve text and images, while homework and tests involve questions and answer choices. A test has a time limit, differentiating it from homework. Users can quit at any time to delete an activity draft. They can also delete any slide by holding down the delete button, as well as finish the activity and save it.
The next two screens both deal with starting and engaging in activities. The My Activities screen allows users to see and try out activities they’ve created. The Search Activities screen allows users to see and try out any activity any user has created.
The last screen that has to do with activities is the Research screen. Here, teachers can research topics for activities directly from Wikibooks.
The final two screens have to do with classrooms. The teacher user can start a class with a unique pin in the Start Class screen. In the My Classes screen, the user can start up one of their classes. Once the user enters the main class screen, they can view four main pages: announcements, activities, chats, and grades. By clicking the “Add New” button, the teacher can post announcements, messages to all their students, or activities, which, excluding lectures, students must complete before a deadline for points. The user can also add new chats where the teacher can converse with students about a topic. The teacher can also delete any announcement, activity, or chat by holding down the “x” button. On the last page, the grades page, the teacher can see a selected student’s grades displayed in various ways, including tables, pie charts, and percentages. Finally, teachers can see the class information by clicking the “i” icon. Here, they can also invite new students not yet invited.
Back on the main screen, teachers and students both can click the settings icon to edit their information or sign out.
The second type of user is the student user. The student user main screen has four different shortcuts leading to four screens. Like the teacher user, the student can go to the Search Activities screen and My Classes screen.
That first new screen is the Fun Games screen. Here, students can select one of three fun games (all involving a skill they can practice). The first is Speed Math, which tests students’ multiplication accuracy under time pressure. The second is Reaction Speed, which tests the student’s reaction speed. The final game is Free Draw, allowing the student to draw whatever they want, whatever color/length they want.
The second new screen, the Join Class screen, allows students to join a class, either through a pin or the invite list, containing any classes invited to by a teacher. Like teachers, in the My Classes screen, the student can select and start up a class.
The main class screen is the same as the teacher’s, except students can’t add or delete announcements, activities, or chats. They can complete activities for points, which are showcased in the grades section. They also can’t add students or see other students’ grades.
In the future, I would add notifications, rating and deleting activities, and profile blurbs.
Easy to navigate and full of different avenues to explore, WeLearn is the perfect city of knowledge for both teachers and students to settle down in.
Theme: Quality Education
Wild Encounters
he author of the action of recording the interesting encounters in the wild. There is a website to display the most contributed.</p>
After you are done registering or identifying, or even skipping both, you are directed to a page that lists five buttons for you to take action:
This is the main purpose of this app. When you are on this page, it shows you what possible wildlife you will be seeing within 50 miles shown by an alert and markers. Once you have an idea about this area, you can start exploring. The alert also serves as a guidance if there is dangerous wildlife around this area within 50 miles. The app allows you to take pictures, take videos or write stories about your wildlife experience. While you are taking pictures, recording a video or trying to write down something, there is data collection running in the background. The latitude and longitude of the current location, temperature, humidity, pressure, dewpoint, windspeed, visibility, mold level, AQI, CO, O3, PM2.5 and Predominant Pollen, date and time this happens, and who records it gets displayed at
An AI image classifier with a trained model is used to identify the animal. However, the model is limited only to the six animals we featured in the app. A better model training will be available in the future.
This functions as a knowledge base. To have good knowledge about wildlife, the app presents two categories: featured endangered animals and endangered plants. There are six of each kind. Click the button to take you to the information page about that animal or plant. If you would like to search for your own animals or plants, you can go to the search page to do so. The search is fulfilled by an API. Please note the search database contains only critically endangered animals.(CR) More categories can be added in the future.
The app has provided an official site at Nature Conservancy) to donate money for saving nature and our planet.
Take action to defend wildlife by urging Congress, the courts, federal and state agencies, academia and public debate to take action. Visit defender for more information.
Social media
Share your experience with wildlife, raise awareness for wildlife ecosystems and the endangered species.
A site ( the map showing markers for people's wildlife experience is possible with a story attached. You can also find the top 5 most viewed and the most contributed. Unlike the map in the mobile app, the website map shows all markers in the system. The website API can be queried for the collected data.
Media files
Any picture and video you take are only in your phone. At this moment, they are not able to be saved on server. This is a task for the near future. All images used by the app are downloaded from The term of using images is at this location: (unsplash license)
APIs: and
Tested with LG Velvet Android version 11
Theme: Life on Land
Track: Youth Team
Air Hug: Love Endangered Animals
In 2022, there is a total of 41,415 species threatened with extinction, including 41% of amphibians, 38% of sharks and rays, 34% of conifers, 33% of reef-building corals, 27% of mammals, and 13% of birds. We need to take action, working to reverse, or at least halt, the tide of decline in biodiversity.
We may not be able to see most of the endangered animals or raise them. However, we can let more people know them, love them, be aware of their situations, do what we could do to protect their habitat, and promote sustainable use of their terrestrial ecosystems.
App description:
Our Air Hug: Love Endangered Animals app educates users about endangered animals, gives badges to award users who learned a lot about endangered animals, and lets users take affinity pictures with endangered animals. In pictures, you can air hug the animals, create stories with animals, and share your love with friends. Through the app, we hope that we can spread awareness, spread the word, and spread love. Let more people join us to love and protect these endangered animals.
Home: When you first load Air Hug, you are led to a welcome screen with a cute animation showing animals running to take pictures with you. Press “Enter” to enter the home screen. Here you will see a background picture of endangered animals living happily in a well-reserved nature environment. There are three buttons that lead you to the Browse Endangered Animals screen, Badge Challenge screen, and Pictures with Animals screen respectively.
On the top right corner, you will see the Register and Login buttons. Once you register an account, you can log in and save your badges. Now you will see your username, My account and Logout buttons on the top right corner. You can always enter My account screen to check your earned badges.
Browse Endangered Animals: When you enter the Browse Endangered Animals screen, you will see 21 most endangered animals’ pictures. Click a picture to enter that animal’s info screen, where you can find out its scientific name, dimension, population, habitat, find its living area on the map, and see its pictures.
Badge Challenge: The Badge Challenge screen lets you choose animals you want to adopt and challenges you with a timed quiz. If you get all questions correct within 30 seconds you win a badge that qualifies you to adopt that animal.
Picture with Animals: The Pictures with Animals screen provide a unique way of taking close pictures with endangered animals. You first choose an animal you want to picture with, then choose your picture background. You can take an instant picture and set it as background, you can pick a picture from your camera roll, or you can use the habitat pictures provided by the app. You can also invite a second animal friend to your picture. Each animal has three different pose options. And you can adjust their sizes, positions, and rotations. Once you set the picture down, you can add text and drawing to it, then share it with friends. You can make many cool pictures, blog pages, greeting cards, or picture story books with it.
IUCN. 2022. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2022-1.
Theme: Life on Land
City Complains
City Complains is a project made with the idea that many people want to report a certain something but can't seem to be heard by the government or higher authorities. Some manage to report but might take months until it's being sent for approval. So our project sorts the files into an organized order to help with a user-friendly interface. Furthermore, it has an admin site where the admins can review the reports with ease. This app only functions In the country itself so that rather than having the whole world know one's countries affairs, a country's personal matters will only be reported to itself.
The theme we choose for this project is 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. This can help the government get information faster from the community and resolve it faster. Which can result in a better city and better environment. Communities would be able to enjoy a better environment which can solve issues quickly and prevent unnecessary incidents.
The user has to create their own account using their own gmail as the responses for the submitted complaints will be sent through email. We even added a verification system using OTP(One Time Password) to verify if the gmail belongs to the user. After making an account, the user will be able to submit complaints. It’s very easy to submit one as it only requires 3 steps: Select the category and critical level, Take a picture, and press the submit button. Users can also write a review to provide the authorities with more intel and data of the reported issue.
As for the authorities, they will receive an email about the complaint. Not only that, the authorities can easily access the data in the app as we also prepared an excel sheet for them if they prefer to view it in excel form. Furthermore, we prepared a map that shows the amount of critical level of an area when selected. The authorities also can sort the data according to the filters given in the app, they can also use the custom filter option if they prefer it. After selecting the data given, the authorities can see the full report of the complaints reported, given everything including the location and the time the complaint was submitted.
At the bottom of the report, the authorities can choose to reject the complaint, do nothing to it and go back to the list or complete the complaint submitted. By clicking on the complete button, an email will be automatically sent notifying the user that submitted the complaint telling them that their complaint was completed.
Theme: Sustainable Cities and Communities
There are 481 billion plastic bottles used worldwide each year and only 9% were recycled.
The current recycling programs are not working efficiently. California’s government recently announced that 600 million dollars in refunds are still waiting to be claimed, and they plan to double the refund rate. There are thousands of recycling centers throughout the USA but not many people go there for recycling due to inconvenience. The students want to participate in recycling but do not know how. The schools lack funding. This problem cannot be solved by raising government refunds alone.
Three main pain points caused this issue. Firstly, there is a re-counting issue. Laborers have to pour out all the bottles manually, making it inefficient. Secondly, our efforts in recycling could not be recorded. Thirdly, communication between the students, schools, and recycling centers lacks efficiency.
It’s an intelligent app designed with the Framework of the “MIT App Inventor Frontend & Application Server” structure, easy to use, lightweight, and powerful to integrate the popular YOLOv5 AI model.
The app utilizes the following features:
- TinyDB: Store predefined user information (First name and password for login)
- Yolov5
- Pretrained AI model
- Recognize 81 kinds of objects
- Use the Web component to get bottles count, image address, and URL address from JSON response
- Google Map Integration:
- Detect your current location by LocationSensor
- Use Web request to get csv file from Google Drive
- Use list from csv table text function to convert web response to a local list
- After getting the list, read the address including street names, cities and use latitudefromaddress and longitudefromaddress to calculate the distance between the current location and the destination
- Use map pan to function to locate the closest recycling center
- Web API
- Use Web request to read csv file from google drive
- Use Web Get request to get the number of bottles of the school for account balance calculation
- Use Web Post request to send the image to the server for AI detection
- ActivityStarter to send emails
- Camera feature: to use the camera to capture bottle image
- Application supports multiple roles, and multiple users based on multiple screens design
A user of RecyLink can pick one out of the three roles, student, school administrator, and recycling center. After choosing your role, you will log in using your username and password.
If you are a student, you will be sent to the “Student Page”, where you can take a picture of the bottles using the “Take Picture” button or select a picture from your photos using the “Pick Picture” button. After your picture is ready, you can click the “Count Bottles” button to submit it. This picture will be sent to our YOLOv5 AI model to analyze the number of bottles in the picture. Our AI Model counts the number of bottles in the picture after scanning it, making it more efficient for the student to recycle.
If you are a school administrator, you will be sent to the school page, where you can go to “Contact Recycling Centers”, Find Recycling Centers Nearby or ZIP, and find their “Account Balance”. After going to the “Contact Recycling Centers” page, you will have the option to email them a message from preset messages. After going to the “Find Recycling Centers Nearby” page, the app will detect and mark your current location and the recycling center closest to you. This is achieved by using a location sensor and a lookup table of recycling centers to find the ones closest to you. After going to the “Find Recycling Centers by ZIP” page, you can enter your ZIP code for a map to display all the recycling centers near you in markers. After clicking “Account Balance”, you can see how much money was raised.
If you are a recycling center operator, you will be sent to the recycling center navigation page, which gives you the option to contact the schools. Using the “ActivityStarter” feature, the user will be able to send an email to the school they chose and the messages they chose from the “Spinner” components, allowing a much easier communication system than searching up the school emails yourself.
Our app, RecyLink, will help schools get more reimbursement from the government, use the data to encourage the top activists, and make forecasts for the future. Students will be able to see their historical achievements without recounting the dirty bottles. Furthermore, because of the scalability of the framework we chose for RecyLink, we could always call new AI models. This can help add more features to our app such as recognizing more types of bottles and improving our existing model’s accuracy.
Trusting the power of time and data, RecyLink could make recycling a habit, a fashion, and a business. Lastly, recycling for a shared future.
Theme: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Smart Edu Nursery App
Why have I chosen this problem statement & the idea behind the solution?
When our country (India) and the entire world was going through the most difficult times due to the pandemic. Increasing COVID cases and lockdowns created havoc in our lives. Our lifestyles completely changed with meeting the new norms like working from home, online study, daycare centers and offices shut.
What have I used to develop this solution?
The app is developed using a DRAG & DROP platform called MIT App Inventor. This interesting app is designed with unique features for toddlers, preschoolers, and nursery kids, who can learn the basics of education sitting at home. This will help parents working from home to keep their kids busy learning in this innovative way at such an early age. Another most important thing I have kept in mind while designing this app is that it can be used offline. 'Hindi' being our national language, this app has been designed with a special translation feature from Hindi to English to make it easier for kids to understand in their mother tongue. As kids of this age show more interest in their parent's mobile phones, this app will relieve the tension of most busy parents. Hence, parents need not worry about the schools not being started or daycare centers not functioning or caretakers cannot be called home due to the risk involved in the current situation. The primary school kids at this age are very difficult to handle and need full-time caretakers. This app is the best solution as the child remains busy learning when parents are busy working from home. The features of this app are designed keeping in mind the preschooler's mindset which needs proper guidance at this tender age so that working parents too need not worry the child is missing education and school. This app will act as a helping hand to the parents and children. This will also make their base of education stronger. By the time the child starts going to school the child is prepared with basic school knowledge. Hope this application is useful for all the busy parents
Math feature includes learning numbers and number names. It even includes activity counting the objects and ticking the correct number. For every correct answer, there will be a clap sound and the wrong answer gives you the oops sound making the activity fun.
Rhymes feature includes a text-to-speech that reads the rhymes making it easy to learn nursery rhymes and a YouTube video for each rhyme that will help to learn with proper tune and music watching the video. Kids will enjoy singing rhymes.
Art feature helps to draw their own imagination thus improving fine motor skills development. You can choose even different colours and this helps colour recognition at an early age. Each colour selected, text to speech will say the colour name.
English feature has the recognition of 26 alphabets with a picture of the object the letter starts with. By clicking each picture text to speech speaks what alphabet the picture clicked stands for. Identification of vowels and fun activities makes the feature interesting.
Stories feature reads out interesting stories for kids. During this pandemic, parents can’t give time due to their busy schedules and parents give their mobile phones to their children to sit quietly.
Human Values
The Human Values feature has a few good human values pictures in which the text to speech will explain good habits. Every child should practice and follow daily, so as they grow up their young minds are molded to become wonderful human beings.
Finally, the main motive of this app is to make young kiddos learn and enjoy learning. Parents are worried about their kid's education, who are yet to begin their school life. In today's world to get admission to a good school even toddlers have interviews. Hope my SMART EDU NURSERY APP SENA helps all parents and kiddos.
Key Highlights
This app can be used in offline/airplane mode no mobile data or wifi required.
Further Improvements
Further Improvements: This app can be made available in different languages.
Note: This app is created using MIT App inventor and can be downloaded on android mobile phones only.
Theme: Quality Education
The Turning Tide
Who doesn’t know that oceans provide more than 50 percent of oxygen we breathe? Have we not heard that oceans are climate regulators? Don’t we all agree that they provide us with more than seafood? Isn’t it true that besides being a great medium of transportation, they are also a source of beauty, recreation and relaxation too? 80 percent of the planet’s biodiversity is hosted by oceans and they are the largest ecosystems on earth. The oceans have it all - from microscopic life to the largest animals that have ever lived on earth, from the colourless to the shimmering, from the frozen to the boiling. AND yet we are inundated with news on marine degradation and exploitation? Where are we headed? Is this not Harakiri?
Our App is an endeavour to encourage people to take up marine health goals. Our App is a humble attempt to own up, show up and make a difference before the time is up.
Our App encourages everyone to undo the harm and to save marine life. We chose this goal as Marine life and it’s conservation directly impacts us. We are never too young to start learning about the benefits of our oceans and never too old to lend a hand in marine conservation.
Our app has 2 key aspects - the first aspect educates people to learn about why they shouldc onserve marine life - by answering some big questions, playing a game, answering a quiz, andl earning about and donating for the marine endangered species. The other aspect prompts them to take action by signing up for a beach clean up drive and also tracking the litter they collected and recording it in a nationwide debris database as well as sharing about it on social media for brag value! Isn't it cool!! We also have a “know your fish” section which lets the people of India choose which fish they can eat in which month of the year and make informed choices for a better ecological balance.
The key elements we have used to achieve this in app inventor includes lists, list view, integration with Google sheet which is used as a database, activity tracker, anyblock component and sensors like location sensor and accelerometer sensor etc. Our code is well written and we have tried to simplify the codes wherever possible. We have also tried to use an appealing layout to give a great user experience to our users. We had a great time working on our app and we hope you love it too!
Theme: Life Below Water
Track: Mixed Team
Adhunik city is a mobile application built for communication and collaboration of the local government bodies and public. It is a communication platform where the public can post, submit their local problems of cities such as roadblock, road damage, drinking water problems and so on. According to this problem, the local government views the problem statement of the public and then takes action and response to the public.
In Nepal it is a problem of communication between the local government and public. The public thinks that the local government does nothing. But in reality the local government doesn't know where the problem is. Kathmandu (capital city of Nepal) started the infrastructure service which provides service to the public. Infrastructure services search for local problems and resolve them but infrastructure services don’t know where the problem exists. They cannot find all the problems so they cannot provide the service properly. The problem raises misunderstanding between the public and local government.
So to resolve this issue of communication we built the Adhunik city (modern city) mobile application which provides the platform where the public and government can register and login and use the system. So the application provides features for public are:
- Public can register their account
- They can login from anywhere from different devices with their phone number and password.
- The public can post and submit the local problems.
- Public post contains the images, reported location, with open street map location and details.
- They can see the problem status solve or not with proof image and dateline of solve.
There is another authentication system for the local authority. They have different permission and features:
- They can see the public problems but they cannot post the problems.
- They can see the details of the problems including open street maps and images.
- They can respond to the problem and update. If they solve the problem and upload an image as proof.
So the system provides these features for public and local authority. System have own features such as:
- The system provides the authentication and authorization features.
- Post will be stored in the database.
- The reporter's name was picked by the system and reported data.
- If local authority responses solve the status change and post automatically remove from the problems and store in solve and solve date is auto updated.
- It provides a map where people navigate the real problem.
So we provide the solution for infrastructure development service. It solves the communication problem between the local authority, infrastructure service provider and public. The application reduces the effort of infrastructure service providers for field visits and saves time. Because they can easily identify the problem with the problem and its location from the map.
We have used extension to convert image to base64 string. The note by it's author is below:
I, Juan Antonio (@Juan_Antonio), attest that I am the author of the extension com.KIO4_Base64.aix and grant that the extension included in this project is free and that MIT has a non-exclusive irrevocable license to republish the extension as part of the project file for the purposes of the MIT App Inventor Appathon 2022."
Theme: Sustainable Cities and Communities
DumpoCean Red
Theme: Life Below Water - SDG Goal 14
Why this App ?
I have a lots of waste generated. But no worries, have big ocean to dump them all and my land and earth is clean . sigh !
Is this your attitude? Then this App is for your realisation of what ocean give you and what you give to ocean.
The CO2 emissions due to industrialisation and other wastes dumped into ocean are a big threat to the marine life. The the change in marine ecosystem will affect the life on land too.
HOW ? Find out yourself with this App !
Components Used : Procedures, AI, Animations, computations, UI . And UX taken care too.
Functionality Modules:
- Marine life details - Virtual Tour
- Ocean Acidification - Awareness, pH calculation and simulation
- Water quality checker - AI Module
- Ocean Resources
- Donation - How can you contribute to the organizations
- Quiz
Credits : Smithsonian Ocean Portal and Laetitia Plaisance for images
Extensions Used : UrsAi2SideBar for side menu,
Personal image classifier,
Lottiview for animation
Theme: Life Below Water
Goals Deck - A Vision - Sustainable Development Goals
Title of the App : Goals Deck, A Vision - Sustainable Development Goals
Description :
To discover, analyze and bring to action the SDG as recommended by the UN. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) is a"blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all".
This app is the first step to bring in awareness of the two Goals -
Sustainable Cities and Communities &
Peace, Justice and Strong Institution.
App Flow :
- Login / Create Account : The login page allows the user to create a new account or login using existing account
- Menu : The main Menu
- Goal Information : An overview of the two goals Sustainable Cities and Communities & Peace, Justice and Strong Institution.
- Book List : Books created by eminent authors on the topic Sustainable Cities and Communities & Peace, Justice and Strong Institution are listed. Click on the book of your choice which leads us to the external website to purchase the same
- Posters : Few posters depicting the goals are projected.
- Quiz : Interesting set of questions to trigger the quest of learning the goals are given in three levels - Beginner , Advanced and Expert.
- Games : Two interesting Games to play around : Free Rice Game : To solve Hunger, for every point scored, an amt of donation goes to the UN World food Program. GO Goals Game : This is a fun way of learning goals based on sustainable cities and communities .
- To Do List : This is a reminder to the children to do their work organized and in a disciplined manner. Development of youth’s discipline plays a vital role in the sustainable development of a country
- Message : Messages owing to social awareness and sustainability can be given through this ( eg. Tiger Conservation day, World Environment Day, Ocean Day etc) OverAll, This app hopes to serves inclusiveness. Any Child or user can easily realte and understand the goals and work towards sustainable development of the country.
Components used:
3.Vertical arrangement
4.horizontal arrangement
7.vertical scroll arrangements
8. Horizontal scroll arrangement
9.password textbox db
11. Listview
12. Tiny db
13.web viewer
Theme: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Waste and Energy
Our app is called “Waste and Energy,” and we have addressed the theme of sustainable cities and communities. There are many aspects of “sustainable” cities, but we emphasized how keeping our environment clean by proper waste management and energy conservation is an extremely vital part in developing a community that ensures sustainability. For example, we live in India in which recycling is not emphasized very much by the government. Also, not many people know how to recycle, where to recycle, and how to protect the environment. Thus, we created an app that alerts and educates people about handling waste and conserving energy to prevent our community from being a city of waste.
Our app is divided into 4 parts: Know your waste; Tips; Classify your waste; and Eco-friendly level test. Firstly, one of the problems that we identified living here in Chennai, India, was that not a lot of people knew where to recycle their waste even though they wanted to. For this reason, we have included the WebViewer feature in the know your waste part of the app that shows the location of various recycling centers through google maps. We also used a listpicker to depict the different kinds of wastes to guide the users the variety of waste categories that exist. Additionally, when the user clicks the type of waste, a short information is given about that waste to better inform the user.
Next feature is the tips feature. When the user clicks on the icon, a notifier pops up and provides the user several ways to protect our environment. The tips are applicable in everyday life and relevant to this community. For example, we decided to include tips on how to reduce consumption of plastic as we saw it as an issue that needed to be addressed. The government recently banned the manufacturing and usage of some plastic products such as straws in the country; however, plastic bottles, which can take a thousand years to degrade, are still widely used. Thus, the twelve suggestions are specifically curated to address the issues we found in the community.
In order to appeal to people of all ages, we have also included an interactive game as one of our features. Since the two previous features might not be so interesting to a younger audience, we wanted to create a simple game people can play to enjoy and learn at the same time. The “Classify Your Waste” screen is made up of three labeled bins and a “waste” picture that changes. To play the game, people simply have to drag the waste to the correct bin. If the user drags the waste to the wrong bin, it will say “incorrect,” and the user can try again until they see the word “correct.” Then, a new image of a waste will pop up and the user can enjoy the game until no more image appears.
Lastly, the final feature we have is the “Eco-friendly Test” to see how eco-friendly each person is. There are a total of five questions to which you can answer “yes” or “no” to. At the end of the test, people get their results which tell them whether or not they are doing great and how they can make improvements. We included this short test because improvements can be made only when people understand their problems. For that reason, questions are composed of questions that make people look back on their usual habits or behavior. A score of 0 to 2 tells the user to go to the first page and live a more eco-friendly life. A score of 3 and 4 encourages the user and a score of 5 congratulates the user on their lifestyle.
Theme: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Zappyond Ocean Rescue
Application Theme:
Team Zappyond created an application under the theme - United Nations Sustainable Development Goal - Life Below Water - Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development.
Application Name: Zappyond Ocean Rescue
About Zappyond Ocean Rescue:
Zappyond Ocean Rescue's goal is to make people think and be aware of plastic pollution, it's impact on life under water. We as a team would like to be part of the change and have created this app to resonate even smaller actions would have a bigger impact in making people around the globe reduce pollution, in turn rescue the ocean and save lives! Games reach faster than real. So, by using our app, people could able to play and simulate certain real life single time use trash/plastics and trap or move them to trash! By playing the games, eventually Zappyond Ocean Rescuers will start thinking about the same and one day everyone will start doing their part in reducing pollution by trashing/recycling responsibility and help clean-up rather than littering! Additionally, Zappyond Ocean Rescue aims at creating and providing thought provoking images to make people relate and act! While Oceans contribute to 70% of the Earth, it's high time we as humans realize that Cleaner Oceans are Critical for both Life under water and life on Land!
Theme: Life Below Water
Track: Adult
Alexandria is an books exchange app. The goal is create a community of people that exchange books for free, this means that You can improve your culture, your knowledge without spend money to buy books. You can help to save trees because you dont need new paper for the books.
After You create your user You can start to upload your books that you want to exachange, simply make a photo and write some basic info with help of the OCR. You can search for a book and ask to exchange, the other use will see your request and will take a look to your library, and if she/he finds a good book complete the exchange.
Theme: Sustainable Cities and Communities
By playing, autistic children learn objects and colors
Why an app for autistic children?
Because some cognitive areas can be impaired and have difficulty learning some skills
Because they find it difficult to learn.
But they love play with their apps...
Like all children in the world, they wish to study and learn and this app combines "learning" with "playing".
It's a universal app because it does not use writing but records the voice and the image. The voice can be from the therapist or from the parents.
The image is a photo taken with the tablet in one's familiar environment and therefore reassuring, but it is possible to add captivating, pleasing images. This is why it is very economical and can also be used in poor family contexts.
Whay objects and colors?
For us is very simple to learn both, but some children with autism, although they are able to categorize colors among themselves, are unable to associate the name of the color with the color itself.
For this reason, it is necessary learn objects and colors, separately.
What does this App do and how does it do it?
Programming phase.
In this phase, the therapist or the parent, takes a photo with the tablet, then drag some colored disk on the objects chosen (max 10).
On this object chosen, is record the voice of the name (N.B. For programming details, refer to the Help on the App).
Activity phase.
"Echoic" is the ability to repeat the word just heard.
During this phase, the child "clicks" on the object, the recorded voice starts and he has to repeat.
"Listener" is the ability of the listener.
During this phase the therapist or the parent "clicks" on the balloon design at the top right and the name of an object repeated in a random way is heard again. The child has to "click" on the colored disk. If the object is right, an arrow will advance towards the balloon, otherwise it will come back. When the arrow reaches the balloon, it will explode.
"Color" is the activity that teaches to associate the name of the color to the color itself.
To learn the name of the colors, we proceed the same way but, in this case, you need a photo with a light gray background, then record the voice of the colors of the discs by dragging them to random places.
I thank my daughter (ABA therapist) for the information provided to create this App, which I hope will be of help to families and therapists for to improve the quality of life for autistic children.
Theme: Quality Education
The main aim of this project is to design, develop and implement an Automated Rotary Car Park System. In this project, a Graphical User Interface using MIT APP Inventor which is an IOT platform, was developed to allow the user through his/her mobile application controls the whole rotary car parking system in such an easy and automated way as well as a prototype for the rotary car park had been designed and built-up where it could hold up 5 vehicles slots in order to test and apply the developed IOT system. The performance of the pervious developed proposed systems were mainly dependent on non-automated methods for controlling the parking & retrieving process, which lead to physical interface from the user to either park or retrieve his/her car, that’s why devloepding an automated system which mainly depend on the IOT technology was the main aim and innovation for the system comparing to what had been proposed before. Finally, the system proved to be efficient and facilitate the parking and retrieving process as well as save time and effort for the user as compared to the various techniques developed in the literature.
Theme: Sustainable Cities and Communities
I come from a small, remote city where educational resources are scarce and schools do not have enough money to buy lab equipment and therefore students do not have the means to conduct experiments, whether in physics, chemistry or biology. This is very difficult for students because much of the knowledge is hard to understand without hands-on experiments. Especially, the knowledge of genetics of biology is very abstract for students, and the long and difficult experimental period and practical operation result in many students not fully understanding the various laws of genetics until they graduate. Therefore, I hope to develop a biology genetics experiment simulator to provide a platform for students who have difficulty learning genetics and do not have the opportunity to conduct experiments themselves, and help them learn biology genetics as a way to reflect the inclusiveness and fairness of education.
This application contains two main functions, Introduction to Genetic Knowledge and Genetic Simulation Sandbox. Introduction to Genetic Knowledge provides students with the basic knowledge, universal laws and special phenomena of genetics in the form of quizzes and breakouts. After ensuring that students have a basic understanding of genetics, students can deepen their understanding and mastery of genetics by cultivating crops in their own way in an open environment like the genetic simulation sandbox. The vision of learning by doing is realized.
Through this application, we can break the limits of geography and civilization, so that every student can get a better education. In addition, this application provides us with a perspective to address the problem of unequal distribution of educational resources through technology from those areas of scarcity. From this we can develop more diverse applications on other content and subjects to promote inclusive and equitable quality education for all around the world.
Theme: Quality Education
Powerful Seniors
Hello, I am a user of App Inventor who lives in Seoul, Korea. I am usually interested in senior education and job search for senior citizens. According to statistics, there are 1.63 million elderly people living in Seoul. This is 17 percent of the total population of 9.5 million in Seoul.
Seoul operates various education centers and job centers for these elderly people, but many elderly people still don't know where these service centers are. And it is still difficult to search the Internet, so they prefer to get information by phone. So I thought I should make an application for them.
First of all, I organized the list of Senior Education Center and Senior Job Introduction Center based on the public data of Seoul. And I coded this data to show the list by region in Seoul.
People can easily check the addresses and phone numbers of senior education centers and job centers in the area if they choose the area they want. The address can also be checked on a map using a webview.
When they press the phone button, they can easily call the number and ask anything.
Friendly images and slightly larger text sizes compared to other apps are for the elderly. Through this application, I hope that many elderly people will learn new things and find jobs to find vitality in their lives. I hope they can be powerful seniors in our society. Thank you.
Theme: Quality Education
Track: Adult Team
Korean food has been expanding its presence around the world recently. According to Morgan Stanley Research, significant upside for overseas sales of K-food in five years is forecasted. Centered around vegetables, fermented food like kimchi, and meat or seafood, the traditional Korean diet is well known for its nutritional value. People who are interested in a healthy diet increasingly include Korean food in their daily diet.
The problem is, however, how to cook these healthy dishes is less known compared to globally promoted Chinese or Japanese dishes. People only know the names like bulgogi or kimchi, but they do not know how to make them. In addition, some people have inaccurate ideas about certain Korean dishes, such as their history and nutritional information.
The app, K-Food Fighter, is a solution to this problem. It is a handy guide to Korean food providing relevant information to anyone who is searching for a healthy diet. K-Food Fighter helps users quickly find the Korean food they would like to have and access its nutritional facts, ingredients, recipe, and even its history. The user becomes knowledgeable about the food and can cook it if they want. The app also searches for the restaurants serving the food near them.
The brief description about how to use the app is as follows:
Search the name of the food
1-1. Search the food by taking a picture of it. Once the user takes a picture of the food, the app analyzes the picture and presents a potential list of the names that the user can choose from.
1-2. Search the food by choosing an image from the phone library. When the food is not in front of them, the user chooses an image. The app analyzes the picture and presents a potential list of the names that the user can choose from.
1-3. Search the food by saying its name. When the food is not in front of them, the user says the name of the food. The app analyzes the voice information and presents a potential list of the names that the user can choose from.
1-4. Search the food by typing its name. When the food is not in front of them, the user types the name of the food in the text box.
Locate the needed information
The user selects the food from the list that the app presents. They can locate a variety of information including nutritional information, ingredients, recipe, and the history of the food. They can also find restaurants serving the food near them, if they prefer to eat out.
In addition to the obvious benefits of this app such as recipes, there are other benefits that this app can bring about.
First, the app promotes a healthy habit of checking nutritional information. People often do not care enough about what they are really consuming. But it is very important to check the ingredients and nutritional facts of the food they eat. Once checking this information gets into habit, people are likely to become more aware of how balanced the food they eat.
Second, the app celebrates cultural diversity and promotes inclusive community. Users of K-Food Fighter expand their food repertoire as a global citizen.
Third, the app is a budget-saver. Eating out is getting more expensive every year. Many foods sounding “foriegn” are in fact easy to make. For example, it takes only 20 minutes to cook bulgogi if you know the recipe, but it can cost up to 30 dollars at restaurants.
Our vision is to scale up K-Food Fighter to International Food Fighter. We believe K-Food Fighter is the first step to a comprehensive app providing information about the food around the world.
Theme: Sustainable Cities and Communities
This app makes it easy to find and enjoy fruits growing out in your public neighborhood, on the street, park, campus ... Rather than just keep searching for fruit trees it helps anyone to find public fruit trees nearby by showing them on a map, even filtering the ones with fruits at this time of the year. Being community-driven, it also allows you to share the location and species of fruit trees with others.
The app focuses on six common fruit tree species in the south of Brazil: banana, guava, loquat, mulberry, papaya and surinam cherry trees. Its current map visualizes fruit trees especially at the campus of the Federal University of Santa Catarina in Florianópolis/Brazil.
In order to register a new fruit tree the app allows the user to specify a tree species. Getting the user’s location coordinates automatically (by using the LocationSensor), the user can register the tree, if it has not yet registered already. The data is stored in a Google Sheet.
The app also allows users to easily find fruit trees next to them by indicating the registered trees on a map obtaining the stored data from the Google Sheet. It also allows to filter only trees with fruits at this month of the year. The user can zoom into the map in order to locate fruit trees as well as see the tree species by clicking on the markers.
The app has been developed following an agile mobile development process and adopting design thinking in order to identify a problem and idealize a useful solution. We also developed the design of the user interface systematically, including the development of sketches, wireframes and the visual design.
As part of our initiative Computação na Escola at the Informatics and Statistics Department of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, we have developed this app also as an example that can be used in order to teach computing and artificial intelligence in an interdisciplinary way in K-12.
Extension used
CustomCheckBox (authorization for usage in the Appathon granted by the author)
Source of free image used in app logo:
Theme: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Recently, we went kayaking in Hong Kong. A speedy ship moved past us, producing large waves, which toppled some of us onto a rocky beach, on probably an uninhabited island. Half of us were bleeding profusely. We managed to do some preliminary first aid but failed to communicate with local authorities due to language barriers. They took a lot of time to understand us and another 2 hours to reach us.
It made us realize that often people need immediate help and do not have the luxury of waiting. This formed the premise of our app. Something that will let people communicate locally with others, who can come to their aid quickly, especially in high-risk situations.
We named our app “Raahat” because in our native language, Hindi, it means “Relief”. And since “Raah” means “the path”, it fits well with the idea of our app, since we want people to find the path to help others.
Login Page & Register Page
The login page checks whether the account with that email ID exists; if it does, it sends a unique ID for the user for the rest of the application.
For the register page, once the user enters their name, email, government ID, and password, an account is made. We add that user’s unique key, along with name and email, to our database.
Judges may register using a new email and test it on their own.
The feed fetches the incidents on firebase and displays them. By clicking on an incident on the feed, the screen directly jumps to a personal chat with the person who reported the incident.
Direct Messaging (DM) [and Map Rendering]
When opening a DM, previous chats with the user are recovered from the cloud. When a message is sent, it is auto-signed with the sender’s name.
Along with a textbox and send button, we also have a button to send the precise location privately. When a text containing the location coordinates is tapped, the location is rendered into a map in a new screen.
Chat List
The Chat List screen shows all the people the user has sent a message to. If user A sends a message to user B, then on A’s chat list, B’s name would appear. When user A started a chat with user B, A’s device stored B’s minimal details. It’s rendered when the chat list screen is opened.
If we click on any of the items on the chat list, it instantly jumps to the chat with that person.
New Incident
The New Incident screen allows the user to enter details about the incident, along with selecting a category from a given list (or ‘Others’). They can choose to attach their approximate location as well. Once submitted, the incident shows up to the people using the app, on their feeds, through Firebase.
Technologies used
Apart from CloudDB for DMs, Firebase was our choice to manage most of our backend data, because it provided flexibility and had inbuilt authentication functions. Also, it is something that could potentially expand as the number of users increase.
Due to the limitations of MIT App Inventor, we used Firebase through REST API commands, only making get and put requests. This meant we made simple, reliable, and easy-to-implement web requests.
Firebase was used to accomplish 2 main goals: 1) Authentication; and 2) Storage. Firebase Authentication was used to verify that the email ID was not used before, and to assign unique IDs to identify unique users, save user data in their account, and update it.
The rest of the technical information can be viewed on this PDF document:
Theme: Sustainable Cities and Communities